Client Policy Agreement

Thank you for choosing Spotless 4 Less, we request that you please read the following information so that we can provide the best possible experience. Please contact our office staff if you have any questions or comments.

Payment Policies

Check Payment

Our Prices Are Based On Total Labor

Our prices are based on the total hours of labor required to complete the service that you have requested. Additional charges above the initial estimate may occur if additional labor is required to complete the service, or if you request additional services at the time of your appointment.

All additional charges must be authorized by both the client and the office. Please note that the total amount of labor includes:


The price does not change depending on how many employees we send. Please contact the office if you have a requirement on team size, and we will do our best to accommodate it.

On occasion, our staff may need to take a rest or meal break while at the job-site per California law.

Late Cancellation Policy & Scheduling Information

We require 48 hours notice if you need to cancel/reschedule your appointment.

Because our office is closed on weekends, Monday appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled by the previous Thursday.

In order to avoid being charged a late cancellation fee, please cancel or reschedule your appointment in time.

The cancellation fee is equal to the full price of your cleaning and will be automatically charged to your credit card (unless you have made other payment arrangements).

Please note that the late cancellation policy also applies if the cleaning crew is unable to gain access to the jobsite at the designated appointment time and needs to be rescheduled/canceled (ie. locked out of the property).


To ensure the best possible service, please do not leave notes or give special instructions or service changes to our crews. All information regarding your cleaning service must be communicated directly to the office so that the information is not lost or misunderstood.

Guaranteed Satisfaction

We guarantee all our work. If you are unsatisfied with the quality of the work, YOU MUST INFORM THE OFFICE WITHIN 24 HOURS. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can arrange for a crew to fix the job.

Cleaning Equipment & Products

Our crews will supply all necessary cleaning equipment and products. We offer standard cleaning products or eco friendly cleaning products.

Client responsibility

Leave key, gate code or a person in charge to receive the crew.

Trash bags.

Leave clean linens out on respective beds.

Be present to review the final cleaning or leave someone in charge.

Active water and electricity in the property.

Correct address specifications. (if you know that it is a difficult property to find)

If you have pets and have special instructions. E.g “do not leave the door open”

Thanks for choosing Spotless 4 Less! We look forward to making your property shine!